We are pleased to share that PRIMUS has been recently showcased at the first dedicated Space Pavilion at the Conference of the Parties (COP28), which was held at the Technology & Innovation Hub in the Green Zone of Expo City in Dubai, from 30 November to 12 December 2023.
The COP to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an annual international climate summit that gathers leaders from across the world (197 countries plus the European Union) to work together on solutions to tackle climate change. It was COP21 that led to the Paris Agreement, which mobilized global collective action to act towards adapting to the already existing effects of climate change and limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5º C above pre-industrial levels by 2100.
“PufferTouch” globe showcasing project PRIMUS on the Space4Climate stand in the 1st Space Pavilion, in the Technology & Innovation Hub in the Green Zone at COP28 in Expo City in Dubai. Beth Greenaway, Head of EO and Climate, UK Space Agency with PML's Thecla Keizer, Deputy Head International Office & International Marketing and Business Development Executive (Photo Credits: here).
Having one of the largest aquatic Earth observation research groups and undertaking science and operational processing of environmental satellite data for over 30 years, it was only natural that PML was also invited to participate in this important event. This was also an opportunity to showcase PRIMUS at the UK’s Space4Climate stand within the COP28 Space Pavilion, supported by the UK Space Agency, as part of the latest climate data, technology and products from the space industry under the theme ‘Space for Sustainability’. The goal of the Space4Climate stand was to invite visitors to meet some of the UK’s leading climate scientists and innovators, and to explore trusted and reliable climate data sets and cutting-edge climate products aimed at enhancing space-based climate initiatives “to transform and accelerate climate action to meet the commitments outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreement’.
For more information about this event click here