PRIMUS-members will attend the EBUS Conference: Past, Present and Future & Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System

Three PRIMUS members will present their EBUS-related research at the forthcoming Open Science Conference on EBUS: Past, Present and Future & Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System, in Lima, Peru, 19-23 Sep 2022. Presentations by Dr. Catarina Guerreiro (MARE-FC.ID), Prof. Javier Aristegui (ULPGC) and Dr. Nazeut Hernández (ULPGC) will all be part of Session 7 ("Understanding the driving factors of marine productivity in EBUS”), co-hosted by Dr. Catarina Guerreiro (lead ESA-PRIMUS Science Case 8) and Prof. Jan-Berend Stuut (member of ESA-DOMOS).

Prof. Javier Aristegui (ULPGC) will the invited speaker of the session, with a presentation titled: “Mismatch between primary production, chlorophyll and nutrients’ availability in a Peruvian coastal upwelling: constraints for modelling primary production”.

Find more information about this conference at the website of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (click here) and at